Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Perfume,hiroshima - new single 「VOICE」8.11 release!2010


Japanese Bullet Train - Shinkansen - Tokyo to Hiroshima Japan - Mount Fuji


*original my blog,

Speed of Shinkansen - JR Shin Iwakuni Station

from you tube - the Egusa family vacation

Thank you

*original my blog,

Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands,UNESCO adds 5 sites to the World Heritage List

UNESCO adds 5 sites to the World Heritage List
from original my blog,

Monument of atomic bomb victims unveiled in Germany - NHK World,July 26th,2010

A-bomb monument unveiled in Potsdam *Hiroshima,Nagasaki-NHK World - July 26th,movie
A stone monument to memorialize atomic bomb victims has been unveiled in Potsdam, near Berlin, in Germany.
and Hideto Sotobayashi(Hiroshima-pref)

*original my blog,

Nishimura's Method "ENGLISH-LIBRARY" - Shiga -pref

Nishimura's Method "ENGLISH-LIBRARY"
Shiga pref - Highly recommended

Sunday, August 01, 2010