Saturday, June 02, 2007

Museums of The World (DVD)

I also am a university sutudent of compilation entrance(corresponding education from 2004,however in this year,absent from university due to writing a book..,of couse I run an antique/collectable shop,company.)Long distance learning is also good way,isn't it?
By the way,I have got DVDS with classical music collection for study art& design also Museums.(by "U-CAN", Japan)
But I have to visit all museums,of course...

1.Musee du Luvre 1
2.Musee du Luvre 2
3.Hermitage Museum
4.Museo del Prado
5.Galleria degli Uffizi
7.Kunsthistorisches Museum,Wien 1
8.Kunsthistorisches Museum,Wien 2
Osterreichische Galerie im Belvedere
9.National Gallery,London
10.Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh
Rijksmuseum Kroller-Miiller

The photos : at Musee du Luvre in Paris,Novemver in 2006
I will go to Paris,France,London soon again!

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