Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Internet problem

Dear Vladimir,

If you received an email like this "I don't want to meet with you." to your web site.
Thats letter must be wrong. Someone wrote by my name with my domain.
Please check server.In my web(domain),I use rental server named "Broad Server" of GMO internet Group at the moment.
I made my domain in this company.
Their company web : http://www.rensaba.com

Yuko never hasn't sent an email to your website in Kremlin(yet).
Please becareful.
You only know my credit card details.

Today I made many photograph posters of St.Petersburg for my exhibition in this month.
Tomorrow I have to make Xmas decoration,maybe snow...

All the best

the photo: At gift shop of Suntory Museum(Osaka-city) to meet for Nicholas Ⅱ of the exhibition, The State Russian Museum.(this visiting time was twice).I bought all notebooks.. and more.

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