Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Brecht - Opera / 西洋舞台芸術-オペラ

I thought about Brecht after lecture including film at my university.

Kurt Weill and Bertolt : Die sieben Todsunden(The Seven Deadly Sins)

according to descriotion of,156847.html),

Who can ever forget the wonderfully smoky and unsentimental voice of the great Lotte Lenya? The wife and congenial interpreter of the composer Kurt Weill, the scandalous chanteuse in 1920s Berlin, is inseparately bound up with 'Die Sieben Todsünden'. In the last joint work of Bert Brecht and Kurt Weill, a 'ballet chanté' in nine parts, Anna, coming from a lower middle-class family in Louisiana, sacrifices both her virtue and honour to make money. This is reflected in the music which, with its cool, jazzy and flippant sound of a street song, also adopts a soft, pleasing tone. Kurt Weill set music to Brecht's caustic and sarcastic criticism of capitalism in 1933 as an emigrant in Paris where his pictorial music, always closely bound to the text, was performed once in the choreography of George Balanchine. It was not until after the New York performance with Lotte Lenya in 1959 that 'Die Sieben Todsünden' became a regular part in the repertoire of concert halls and theatres throughout the world.

staging : Peter Sellers

In this film, I remembered all Madonna's music videos & style.very very similar.


『七つの大罪』Die sieben Todsunden



original yahoo blog from yukowendyholy,

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