Thursday, December 24, 2009

ANA,JTB West Japan,P&G - Combination job hunting seminar for College woman in Kyoto(Jan/3/2010)

from Japan Google News,Dec.21st,2009

*3 companies -high rank in the liberal arts course girl section of the finding employment popularity and enterprise ranking investigation in 2009
for your infomation.

The 3 companies will speak from experience etc. of which the feminine staff of three companies works while bringing up a child are announced.
also introduces the finding employment circumstances in china and trying have attention to foreign countries

but in my opinon,
most companies are a severe eyes with the recruitment of a new employee.
*it must be internet problem like Emi Yukari of Kintetsu World Express,staffservice

also South Korea
recently around Asia knew about all matters
Thank you

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