Thursday, December 17, 2009

In the sphere of NY, the road and the railway are the uniform management from Kansai International Airport problem -The Yomiuri Shimbun,Dec.15th,2009

Conning tower interests excess adjustment of traffic

*photo :check in counter of Korean airline at JFK Airport
*serializing now
背水関空<1> NY圏は道路・鉄道も一元管理…交通の司令塔 利害超え調整- Dec 15th,2009
背水関空<2> ハブ韓国・仁川に存在感…日本の地方空港も後押し- Dec.16th,2009
背水関空<3> 小型機で定期旅客便…路線補完、水面下で構想 -Dec.17th,2009

*Japanese Newspaper

1 comment:

marksgardenpark said...

(Series背水関空*Extra chapter)First of all, it competes after independence - MLIT Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism,from Japan Google News,Dec.21st,2009
Thank you