Friday, February 17, 2012



All Real Estate of Osaka may closed Fedex Katsuhiko Dendo's mafia group

*Fukushima people problem,recent of Malformed-child problem in other prefactures

*Orange Juicer recommended
reason: orange juice expired crime Osaka - indicated by nakamaru Tokyo group problem
Make your own V8 Juice !

*Yasuei ,Kanazawa city jamming probelm from Owada and Bely 2011 Mar
Crown Princess Masako's father,Hisashi Owada and Bely Russian Embassy of Tokyo
their jamming problem of Osaka pref
and International of Court of Justice in the Neterlands also may admired about S.Korea and N.Korea

Fire Department of Ibaraki-city near my apartmenthouse and more, canada Foreign member from Kyushu try to stop jamming at my TV antena in Osaka-

All Real Estate of Osaka infomation page in newspapers in Osaka also may closed Tokyo,Fukushiam probelm.
only Osaka.

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