Friday, February 17, 2012

Possibly the malformed child( without a hand) was born to Fukushima Pre recently【原発】ストレステスト「妥当」IAEAが報告書提出(12/01/31)

from you tube

Newton ,IAEA problem hankyu railyway,JR ,and U.N ,S.Korea as well

may be gene problem of tulip,beans,foie gras
may be all in Sophia University*Jochi university
Possibly the malformed child( without a hand) was born to Fukushima Pre recently.
... and you tube ,IAEA Japanese news recently

Chernobyl disaster 20000 years problem,also same problem of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

however, may be the malformed child passed away in front of everybody in Tokyo

*Tne National Turst GB and S.Korea members,N.Korea members
and yuko hori life member may no problem about Nature nowSee more

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