I will start own company soon.London,Paris,New York,Europe,Russia,Australia will go to future, little bit getting busy for Market.
I will join fashion field. My poster on the wall in Shamua.
Mr.Keitato Hasegawa(newsletter) advice every Thursday by fax.
Jhon Paul II ...etc look forward to next year... Fedex Japan was bad.
But America,American Express C.E.O,Air-M will come joy someday.He will go good place.He is a good person.
Can he run airline company...?
I can believe in him. very very long time this company work well.It mean everybody believe the company in America.
I wll try to charenge or dream.(as same american dream?)
In London,The Queen,Royal Family,White chirstmas, I will celebrate.Paul Young will sing that day?Blair?
Edward&his wife prays for everyone.He is like a God(British)or Angel.
Please go back to Britain.
He send Christmas card for me every year.
His daughter name is Maria.
I am happy to know about him.
Thank you