Wednesday, June 04, 2008

World Travel Guide -Chikyu no Arukikata-United Kingdom,Scotland

Chikyu no Arukikata-United Kingdom,Scotland(Printed in Japan)

1995 - 2007, in this term, I used this world travel guide in United Kingdom.
Transportation,B&B,map guide are very good.
In London always change something new. top up ,a piece of cake,the londonpaper,lite,oyster card,where is easy everything in Victoria??

Scotland(the 4th photo,the 5th photo) beautiful,river,water and single molt whisky trail

very recommendation and more books,Chikyu no Arukikata-Europe,Scotland,Paris,France,Germany,Russia,Hong Kong,Scandinavia & etc...

Chikyu no arukikata mean "Walking of the earth"

original blog by marksgardenpark,

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